Travel Vaccinations
We have limited appointments for travel vaccination and we may direct you to other services if we cannot offer an appointment in time.
If you need vaccinations for travel, you’ll need two appointments with the nurse. To find out what vaccines you need, we’ll ask where you’re going. We need to know the countries you plan to visit and sometimes specific areas.
Travel Health Questionnaire
Before your first appointment, please fill out the Travel Questionnaire online form. We need one form for each traveller.
In the months leading to the main summer holidays, we can get very busy with travel appointments.
Make your first appointment as early as possible, at least 6 weeks before you travel.
The second appointment is for getting the vaccinations. It should be at least 2 weeks before you travel. This gives the vaccines time to work.
We don’t have all vaccines in stock. We order some on a private prescription, which means there’s an extra charge on top of the normal cost. The NHS doesn’t cover many travel vaccinations.
Travelling in Europe
The EU has published useful information for Travelling in the EU.
Travel health information
Sedation for flying
We do not issue medication for flying which is outlined in our policy on the use of sedation for flying.