About Us

About New Road Surgery 

New Road Surgery is a family doctors’ practice led by four doctors in partnership. We serve patients in Croxley Green, Sarratt and the surrounding area. The main building is in Croxley Green and we have two branch surgeries. Baldwins Lane Surgery is also in Croxley Green and the other is in Church Lane, Sarratt.

This is also an accredited practice for training qualified doctors to become GPs. We also provide training to medical students during their attachments to general practice and work with several medical schools.

We have around 14,200 patients and they are all registered with a named GP but patients can see any GP in the practice. 

We take pride in providing high quality care in a small traditional family GP practice. 

We work well with Garston Medical Centre as part of our Grand Union Primary Care Network (PCN). We also engage with other local practices, hospitals, community services and the local Integrated Care Service (ICS). 

Our Statement of Purpose

Our aim is to provide patients with medical care of the highest quality. We want to improve the health status of the practice population. We aim to achieve this by being a practice which responds to people’s needs. Where possible, we use the latest advances in primary health care and use NHS resources efficiently and effectively. 

Our Mission Statement

Dedicated to providing excellent patient-centred care in the local community

The New Road Surgery Practice Team

The practice team includes:

  • four GP partners
  • GPs
  • GP registrars
  • practice nurses
  • health care assistants
  • pharmacists
  • first contact physiotherapist
  • receptionists
  • admin team
  • practice managers.

Within the Grand Union PCN we also have access to primary care mental health professionals and social prescribers who can support patients with additional needs.



Dr Claire Chesworth
– Partner


Dr Claire Chesworth joined in 1994 after training in London and Liverpool. She is a GP trainer and is particularly interested in women’s health care.

Dr Clare Jenkins
– Partner


Dr Clare Jenkins has been a partner since 2004. She has special interests in cardiology and diabetes.

Dr Clare Dyer
– Partner

MBBS, MRCP (Lon) 1995

Dr Clare Dyer has been a partner at Baldwins Lane since 2003 and continues as a partner in the merged practice. She has an interest in care of the elderly and respiratory medicine.

Dr Kunal S Patel
– Partner


Dr Kunal Patel joined the practice as a registrar in 2012 and became a Partner in 2013. He is the lead for respiratory and prescribing.


Dr Kevin Barrett


Dr Kevin Barrett is a salaried GP working one day a week at the practice. He was a partner from 2002 to 2023 having already worked here as a registrar. He is enthusiastic about all areas of general practice. Dr Barrett is the safeguarding lead for the practice.

Dr Helen Rae


Dr Helen Rae joined the practice in 1993 after completing her GP training in Watford and with us in Croxley Green. She is interested in the wide variety of problems presenting in General Practice.

Dr Ansuya Puri


Dr Ansuya Puri joined the practice as a registrar in 2016 and became a salaried GP here in 2017. She particularly enjoys Paediatrics and Surgical medicine but takes interest in the whole range of problems presenting to primary care.

Dr Crystal D’Cruz


Dr Crystal D’Cruz trained in East London and Watford. She completed her training at New Road Surgery and became a salaried GP in 2022. She has a particular interest in Lifestyle Medicine, and is passionate about taking a holistic approach with her patients.

Dr Tasneem Tajbhai


Dr Tajbhai joined the New Road Team in March 2024. She is a GP trainer and has an interest in Frailty.

Dr Parul Karia

MBBS, MRCP (1998), MRCGP (2007), MSc (Dist)

Dr Parul Karia joined the merged New Road/Baldwins Lane partnership on 1st June 2024.

The doctors above are permanent members of staff.

New Road Surgery trains doctors who want to become General Practitioners. They are known as GP Registrars and are fully qualified doctors who have already worked several years in hospital. They work largely on their own but have supervision and guidance from the partners and trainers.

We also have medical students who work in the surgery to gain experience of general practice as part of their training to become doctors.

Nursing Staff

Nurses provide vaccinations and other injections, support you with long term conditions and give advice on family planning and sexual health.

All the practice nurses have many years’ experience in traditional GP nursing care. They’re involved in the ongoing care of patients with long term conditions. Fran and Heather run the diabetic clinic. Linda runs the anticoagulation clinic. Tracey has special expertise in asthma and COPD. Fran also runs Healthy Heart clinics and Heather has a special interest in Infection Prevention Control (IPC).


Sister Linda Senior


Sister Tracey Temple


Sister Fran Edwards


Sister Heather Hankinson



Healthcare Assistants carry out health checks and provide healthy living advice.

Amy Green

General Practice Assistant

Vanessa Mackay

Healthcare Assistant

Oliver Rosario

Healthcare Assistant

Paramedic, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy

Paramedics assess and treat certain health conditions, can visit you at home and order test and help you understand the results.

Christine Hood-Martin


Christine visits patients in their homes and in care homes. She also sees patients with minor illnesses at the surgery. She is also an independent prescriber.

Clinical Pharmacists help give advice and review your medicines.

All of the pharmacists manage prescription enquiries and provide medication reviews. They have extended qualifications are all independent prescribers which means they can start new medication.

Shahina Juma

Clinical Pharmacist

Shahina manages medicines for the frail and older persons. She has a special interest in care homes and pain management in palliative care. Shahina works to reduce how many medications are needed with a holistic approach towards patients well being.

Kiran Kara

Clinical Pharmacist

Kiran is a trainee advance clinical practitioner. He has been practicing for over 10 years with a special interest in minor illness. He works at New Road Surgery and also supports the out-of-hours service.

Jaffer Rashid

Clinical Pharmacist

Jaffer helps patients manage diabetes and runs hypertension clinics to support blood pressure control. He optimises asthma management and has a passion for lifestyle medicine.

Physiotherapists help by diagnosing and treating muscular and joint conditions, give advice on managing your condition and refer to specialist services.

Nadia Perez


Nadia sees patients with muscle and joint problems and provides information and advice on how to manage them. She also refers patients into the local musculoskeletal service for treatment and can order investigations when needed. Nadia is trained to administer steroid injections for some conditions.

Practice Management

Catherine Garibaldi

Practice Manager

Denise Wait

Practice Manager


Sharon Taylor – Reception Team Lead

The reception team are specially trained to help you get appointments with the right healthcare professional as quickly as possible.


Our Sarratt dispensary is currently not running and this service is under review. 

Other specialist roles to help you

Hashini Demuni – Care Coordinator/Social Prescriber

Care Coordinators help prepare you for appointments, monitor your health and help manage your care.
Social Prescribers help you access support services and activities

Practice Information Leaflet

All olf the information contained in the practice information leaflet (PIL) is based on this website which is up to date. The PIL can be printed on demand for patients who are unable to use the website. But if you would like a copy of the Practice Information Leaflet, click to download a PDF version.

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